SPONSORED CONTENT: The language of the business correspondence consists of cliches mostly. It might also seem like another foreign language to learn: business communication differs a lot from the language we usually speak. International business contacts and penetrating the Italian market is easier with this skill: you will need business Italian for correspondence and communication with partners and clients. You can master business etiquette and business writing in Italian on your own. Still, it is quicker and more effective to enroll in a special course or hire an online Italian tutor. Studying the language of business communication in Italy will master the necessary business correspondence skills, boost the typical phrases of business Italian, and start talking with foreign colleagues in the same language. Let’s take a look at the thing you have to know before learning Italian business correspondence.
Business Italian: Things to Remember
The main difference between business Italian and everyday language is the presence of a considerable number of terms, specific expressions, and phrases inherent only in communication on business. It is why business language courses focus on vocabulary learning in the particular field in which you plan to work. Suppose a doctor gets a job in a private clinic in Italy. They must have a good command of medical terminology, understand linguistic nuances, and accurately select the equivalent of their mother tongue term to convey information to the patient or colleagues accurately. The same applies to other areas of jurisprudence, information technology, the construction field. Learning Italian business involves an individual approach and professional assistance from an expert in a particular field of activity.
Italian Business Correspondence
Writing letters or petitions takes an important place in business communication. Competent business correspondence in Italian helps to strengthen business relations and increase your company’s authority in partners’ eyes. The specificity of official letters lies in their unique composition, the correct design of the document, and standard forms of appeal. You can learn how to use business correspondence on your own. The phrases below will help you write your first business letter from basics to fluency in learning Italian and boost your career and personal opportunities. It also might be a step towards your success in the Italian business, which is developing quickly.
Italian Correspondence Phrases
- Dear Mr. Gentillssimo / Officially, male recipient);
- Dear Madam Gentilissima / Officially, female recipient;
- Dear Ladies and Gentlemen! / Gentili Signore e Signorl;
- Your kind attention / Alla cortese attenzione di;
- Dear Mr. Rossi / Gentilissimo Sig. Rossi;
- Dear Ms. Bianchi / Gentilissima Sig.ra Blanchi;
- Dear Ms. Verdi / Gentillissima Sig.na Verdi (Officially, the recipient is an unmarried woman);
- Dear Kate! / Gentile Ivanol (Unofficial, friendly or private correspondence).
Body of the Letter
- You don’t mind if / Le displacerebbe;
- I would be very grateful if / Le sarel veramente grata / o se;
- I would be very thankful if you could / Le sarel riconoscente se volesse;
- It would be precious for us if you could send more detailed information about / Le saremmo molto grati se volesse inviarci informazioni pié dettagliate in riferimento a;
- We have carefully considered your proposal and / Dopo attenta considerazione;
- We regret to inform you that / Slamo splacenti dl dover. Le informare che;
- Attached file in the format / L’allegato e in formato.
Conclusion of the Letter
- If you have any further questions, you can contact me for information / In caso avesse bisogno dl assistenza, non esiti a contattarmi;
- If in the future we can be of any help to you, please let us know / Se possiamo esser Le di ulteriore aiuto, non esiti a contattarci;
- Thanks in advance / Ringraziandola anticipatamente;
- I would be very grateful if you can address this issue as soon as possible / Le sarel grato / a se volesse occuparsi della questione il prima possible.
Wrap It Up
The more you learn about any language, the more you understand how little we know about it. Mastering your business Italian can help you boost the relationships with the business partners and get your business to a new level. Having a beginner Italian language level cannot limit you from advancing business correspondence, so if you doubt the necessity of such knowledge, be sure that it’s in demand.