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The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

A translucent sign with the ASCSU logo in the center of a wood-paneled wall, flanked by the American flag on the left and Colorado flag on the right. A podium is below the sign.

ASCSU president’s office attempts to postpone cabinet member’s ratification over statement criticizing DeSalvo

Hannah Parcells, News Editor May 4, 2024

Following a protest Wednesday, May 1, in the Associated Students of Colorado State University senate chambers in regard to President Nick DeSalvo’s decision to not sign Bill #5319, “The Humanity and...

Alex Silverhart, the Interim Budgetary Affairs Committee Chair for Associated Students of Colorado State University, explains their perspective on a proposed bill to other ASCSU members during their meeting April 27.

This week in ASCSU: Discussing Fort Collins’ “U+2” residency policy

Sam Hutton, Staff Reporter October 27, 2022

The Associated Students of Colorado State University convened Oct. 26 for the eleventh meeting of the 52nd senate. To begin the meeting, the legislative body heard a presentation from Environmental...

Third-year computer science student Rithik Correa explains why he joined the Associated Students of Colorado State University.

ASCSU swears in new senators, hears legislation on elections

Piper Russell and Sam Hutton September 19, 2022

The Associated Students of Colorado State University held their fifth senate session of the semester Sept. 14. ASCSU swore in three new senators and associate senators, heard from committee chairs and...

Masters student Vaishnavi Sonarikar introduces herself at the first senate meeting for the Associated Students of Colorado State Unviersity. "I decided to get involved into ASCSU because I wanted to try something really intense and impactful."

ASCSU ratifies new senators, associate justices, election manager

Piper Russell, Emmalee Krieg, and Allie Seibel September 9, 2022

The Associated Students of Colorado State University held their second senate meeting of the semester Wednesday, Sept. 7. ASCSU reviewed bylaws at the meeting and ratified the supreme court associate justices...

A translucent sign with the ASCSU logo in the center of a wood-paneled wall, flanked by the American flag on the left and Colorado flag on the right. A podium is below the sign.

Blouch: The real issues with ASCSU are internal

Cat Blouch, Social Media Editor September 7, 2022
What do you think of when you hear about the Associated Students of Colorado State University? For some students at Colorado State University, ASCSU is a place where they can make an impact. Other students hear about the organization in passing, such as during election season, while the remainder of students don’t know what ASCSU is or what they are responsible for. 
Associated Students of Colorado State University President Christian Dykson gives his executive report at the weekly ASCSU meeting April 27.

ASCSU swears in new leaders, closes 51st senate

Piper Russell, News Reporter April 29, 2022

As the 51st senate of the Associated Students of Colorado State University came to a close, they passed new legislation, heard speeches from seniors and swore in the new president, vice president and speaker...

Evan Welch, the Associated Students of Colorado State University Chair of University Affairs, gives his committee report at the senate meeting Apr. 13, 2022.

ASCSU hears new legislation, debates funding for Lyft codes

Piper Russell, News Reporter April 14, 2022

The Associated Students of Colorado State University met April 13 for their 25th session. ASCSU heard five pieces of legislation. The first piece of legislation on the agenda was the second reading...

Eckburg: What's the deal with ASCSU?

Eckburg: What’s the deal with ASCSU?

Bella Eckburg, Opinion Director April 4, 2022
Associated Students of Colorado State University election voting opened April 4 and now, like most years prior, we have to wait to see how many CSU students will actually submit their votes.  Unfortunately, this year has been fraught with confusion about election dates and uncertainty about candidates. Robert Long and Elijah Sandoval are the only presidential and vice presidential candidates on the ballot, a stark contrast to the multiple pairs who ran last year. 
Two people stand outside, smiling, in between two colorful pillars

ASCSU elections: Presidential and vice presidential write-in candidates Sam Moccia, Haydyn Deason

Serena Bettis, Content Managing Editor April 3, 2022

Editor's Note: Sam Moccia worked as a news reporter at The Collegian from August 2020 to March 2021. The Collegian is dedicated to giving all ASCSU candidates equal campaign coverage. The Associated...

Rithik Correa, Associated Students of Colorado State University senator for International Programs, discusses how he is prepared for the Speaker of the Senate position during the candidate debate March 29, 2022.

All three speaker of the senate candidates receive vote of confidence after senate revote

Piper Russell, News Reporter April 2, 2022

The Associated Students of Colorado State University met March 30 for their 23rd session. ASCSU swore in their new Budgetary Affairs chair and heard a guest presentation on a dance marathon. ASCSU also...

Rob Long, Associated Students of Colorado State University Presidential candidate smiles as Vice Presidential candidate Elijah Sandoval answers a question during their town hall March 28.

ASCSU presidential and VP candidates talk issues facing students, qualifications

Katrina Leibee, Editor in Chief March 29, 2022

Presidential and vice presidential candidates for the Associated Students of Colorado State University Rob Long and Elijah Sandoval spoke at a town hall meeting March 28 at 7 p.m. in the Lory Student Center...

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