The University of Colorado doesn’t completely ruin the town of Boulder. For those of you who do not know, CSU (Colorado State University) and CU (University of Colorado) have been the ultimate rivals for over a century. While I do hold a grudge against CU for beating us the past two years at the Rocky Mountain Showdown, I’ve come to realize that CU, and the people who attend it, are no different than CSU, which makes them pretty cool.
I have friends in Boulder and a few of them attend the university. While we do have some words said back and forth about each others’ schools, all of it is meant with no harm, at least from my perspective. While Buffs tend to stay in Buffalo Territory and Rams stay in Rams Country, I thought it would be cool to take a day trip to Boulder and see my friends.
Boulder and Fort Collins are only an hour apart from one an other. Plus, if you take a trip through Loveland down 287, there’s a lot more scenery than on I-25.
When getting to Boulder, the first thing I would recommend is to take a drive through campus. I graduated from high school at the Coors Events Center, which holds some special meaning to me. Even back then I remember thinking the fact that the campus is built on the side of a mountain is pretty cool.

After cruising around, my favorite thing to do in Boulder is walking up and down Pearl Street Mall. For those of you who have been to Denver and the 16th Street Mall, Pearl Street is pretty similar, except it is walking traffic only and, of course, has that artistic Boulder flair. There are many places to eat and shop on the mall, which makes it perfect for friends and family. If you want even more shopping, Flatirons Crossing is located in Boulder as well, and it is probably one of the prettiest malls I’ve been to.

For those of you who like a cold drink on a hot day, Avery Brewing Company is also located in Boulder. They have a tap room with a long list of all of their beers which are everything from IPA’s to Stouts. It’s definitely worth getting a drink, or at least a tour for the underage.
There is so much more to do in Boulder, but you’ll just have to go to the town and find out for yourself. Both the Rams and Buffs live in beautiful towns in our incredible state of Colorado. While I strongly believe that our rivalry should continue for the sake of healthy competition and fun, living in Colorado makes us both one thing – Coloradans. So get out there and adventure, whether it be with a Ram or a Buffalo.
Collegian writer and Blogs Assistant Editor Katelyn Mitchell can be reached at blogs@collegian.com or on Twitter at @mitch_kate_1.