I love working out. I don’t do it every day, but I really enjoy trying to exercise regularly and get outside. The question today is, is it necessary to “get over it” and go workout when the weather is bad, or do you finally have the excuse to slip on those pj’s and get back in bed?
The answer is: It depends on you.
First, if it’s too terrible to workout outside, you can always go the gym. But, if for whatever reason that is not an option and you are debating on working out in bad weather, listen to your body.
It’s easy to grab on to every excuse we can find in order to talk ourselves out of a workout. If it is truly really crappy weather, then obviously stay inside. But, there is always a way around being stuck at home and away from the gym. You can do yoga in your house, do your own mini-circuit or just stretch if you absolutely do not want to go outside.
However, if you find yourself doing a mini jump for joy that when it’s pouring outside and you can no longer go for a run, you need to seriously reevaluate why you are working out in the first place.
Sometimes your body does need a break from exercising, and by all means let it rest. Enjoy rest days and take at least one day a week off. But if your body is rested and you are still stoked about “having” to skip your workout, that’s not good.
Working out is supposed to be hard, yes. That is how growth happens. But it is also supposed to be fun. It is vitally important for you to find an activity you love so much that even when it is hard, you still look forward to doing it. Not every day is going to be a blast, but if you find yourself consistently dreading your exercise routine, switch it up. The point of a workout isn’t to hate exercise, and if that is how you feel about it, then you are doing it wrong.
Skip the gym when it the weather is bad; sometimes it’s better to cozy up and watch a movie than face the outdoors, even if it’s just to run to your car in order to drive to the gym. But always listen to that inner voice in you, and if you are skipping because you hate what you would be doing at the gym, then it’s definitely time to find a new activity.
Collegian blogger Katy Mueller can be reached at blogs@collegian.com or on Twitter @katymueller13