Dear readers,
It’s no secret that things are changing in the news industry; they have been for a while. Publications are evolving from print to digital platforms and bolstering their online distribution. Readers are looking for their news and entertainment in different places, many of which weren’t an option even five years ago.
The world of journalism is constantly changing, and that means some changes are coming to The Collegian.
This year, The Collegian will be taking a big step into the digital world. The biggest change for us will be transitioning to a digital-first platform in order to better serve our audience: you — the students, faculty and community of Colorado State University.
As readers increasingly look to their phones, tablets and computers to get their news, the demand for print newspapers is declining, although it still has a presence on campus and in towns like Fort Collins.
We won’t be getting rid of our print edition any time soon, but we will only be on newsstands twice a week: Mondays and Thursdays.
Decreasing our print days will allow us to expand our digital presence. Articles, photographs and meaningful, in-depth coverage of the issues that affect the CSU and Fort Collins communities will be online at every day of the week. Our daily newsletter, The Stump, will continue to deliver the day’s headlines.
In addition to online content every day, we will also be launching a weekly news podcast, so you can take The Collegian with you anywhere and listen to the most important topics from your community.
At The Collegian, we’re also in a very unique position to serve as an educational institution of our own, preparing student journalists for a digital-first future and teaching them how to thrive in a world that looks to screens before pages to stay informed.
This transition to a digital-first publication better prepares students for a career in the years to come, while still keeping a pulse on some of the traditional values of a newsroom.
While it is hard for any journalist to see a newspaper print less, it is more exciting to know that we will be better serving our readers, preparing students for a career in a digital world and doing the best job possible when it comes to covering our community.
We appreciate your support and continued interest in the stories that we all see, hear and live, and at The Collegian, we look forward to better serving our valued readers in the best way possible — online.
Forrest Czarnecki, Editor-in-Chief