Black History Month (February) is underway. The Black/African American Culture Center will be holding events throughout the month to recognize and celebrate black/African American culture. Some of the events BAAC will be putting on include a hair fashion show, keynote speakers and a showing of the movie “Dear White People.”
The Collegian encourages students to engage in the celebration by attending these events. It is important that people of all races participate in celebrating diversity on campus. The Colorado State University student body should pride itself on its diversity. The fact that there are resources and organizations for so many cultures on campus makes it easy for students to stay involved. These events offer an opportunity for students to experience and learn about black/African American history.
However, it is important to note that black/African American culture, as well as all other cultures, should be recognized year round. Black History Month is a great way to celebrate diversity, but students should stay involved with campus culture organizations all year.
CSU has other diversity programs for active community involvement, such as the Asian Pacific American Culture Center; the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning and Ally Center, the Women and Gender Advocacy Center, El Centro, the Native American Cultural Center and Resources for Disabled Students.
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