On Monday, the Deep Badhesha–Naomi Lyle student body presidential campaign vandalized at least seven signs of rival candidates Chelsey Green and Kohl Webb, who the Collegian endorsed Monday — crossing out their names, adding his own and ridiculing Green’s tenure as executive director of RamRide in true middle school fashion. He admitted wrongdoing in an email to the Associated Students of CSU Elections Committee, but said he had a “pre-arranged event” and that “Naomi is also busy,” so neither could attend an emergency session called Monday in response to the blatant violations of election rules. Instead, he sent a campaign surrogate to answer for his own campaign’s mistakes.
That’s why we’re glad the committee took a stand. Badhesha-Lyle were fined $535. More significantly, their campaign operations have been suspended for 32 hours, meaning the earliest they can resume activity is Wednesday at 8 a.m. Polls on RamWeb close at 4 p.m. and results are announced that evening.
The Badhesha-Lyle campaign made a mockery of student government in front of the 27,000 CSU students who deserve – and should outright demand – better of the candidates for the most powerful office a student can hold on campus. Great leaders inspire. Great leaders set an example for others to follow. Great leaders bring an entire sea of people to its feet in the pursuit of something greater than themselves.
They don’t scrawl #sorrynotsorry on others’ work and then hide behind subordinates.
That kind of behavior is not what we want from those representing the students of this campus to President Tony Frank, his administration, college deans, the CSU System Board of Governors, White House officials and other important office-holders.
We deserve better.