Time magazine announced Nancy Gibbs as their 17th managing editor. Gibbs is the first woman in the publication’s history to fill the top spot. On the subject, she said she’s “the first managing editor to wear pumps — as far as we know.”
And she’s definitely earned it. After almost three decades at Time, starting out as a part-time fact checker, Gibbs has written 174 Time cover stories — more than any other writer in Time’s history, including the award-winning cover for the Sept. 11 attacks. She focused on expanding their digital footprint and has overseen the effort to redesign the magazine. This is something that she has worked her entire career for, and people have noticed.
In what has primarily been a man’s job, the managing editor of Time Magazine, Gibbs is paving the way for future generations of women who work themselves to the bone for the publications that employ them. She has, almost quite literally, smashed the glass ceiling.
“Probably very soon it won’t even be something anyone notices when you have a woman taking over one of these jobs,” Gibbs said.
Congratulations, Nancy Gibbs. You’re an inspiration and we wish you the best of luck in your new gig.