Colorado State University will have a bonfire, followed by the lighting of the A and fireworks on Friday at 6 p.m.

“It’s one of our traditions,” said Beth Etter, director of communications with the CSU Alumni Association.
The current homecoming events have evolved from earlier traditions. CSU used to have a torch light parade, according to Etter.
“We have a long history of having some kind of lighted element during homecoming,” Etter said.
Since this year is the 100th year for homecoming, the Alumni Association has launched a 100 years in 100 days campaign to celebrate, according to the Homecoming and Family Weekend webpage.
“This year, we’re celebrating Homecoming’s centennial anniversary with a daily countdown of historical photos, fun facts and trivia related to CSU traditions, milestones and events from 1914 to 2014,” the website stated.
According to Etter, there is an entire week of other activities leading up bigger events Friday and Saturday.
“Friday is really the big day in which we kick everything off and celebrate,” she said. “It’s a neat way to have the CSU and Fort Collins community gather in one spot together.”
The homecoming schedule of events for 2014 can be found at Community members, students and alumni can also follow homecoming 2014 on Twitter with the #100years100days hashtag.
Collegian Campus Beat Reporter Megan Fischer can be reached at or on Twitter @MegsFischer04.