The first sight of many college freshmen moving into Corbett Hall Thursday was red plastic cups, white plastic balls flying through the air and ping pong tables lined up for the game. Across the street from move-in mayhem front lawns displayed colorful signs saying ‘thanks for ur daughters’ and ‘thanks for your sons.’
This year holds many changes for dorm life. Laurel Village is the new residence hall located between the towers and Corbett Hall, and will house 615 undergraduate students. Piñon Pavilon, a hangout area for residents currently under construction, is located in Laurel Village. Its northeast side is surrounded with an outdoor movie amphitheater and fresh bike racks to house the expanding traffic.
The upcoming Lory Student Center, Eddy Hall and Laurel Village are all projects in progress. Carlos Herrera, an incoming freshman living in Piñon Hall, talked about the crazy day.
“I was barely here, I just put my stuff in and left,” Herrera said. “There’s a lot of construction in this university.”
Bathrooms in Piñon Hall still weren’t working on move-in day as students were settling in, according to University President Tony Frank who was spotted chatting with families and students in Laurel Village midday.
“The bathrooms in general are just a little temperamental,” said Sophomore biology major and RA Althea Weeks. “They’re just working out some kinks.”
Freshly finished hallways filled with people moving in and out created a busy atmosphere for new students and staff to get used to.
“They’re trying out a lot of new systems that they haven’t implemented anywhere on campus, so its just been a little bit hectic but they’re handling it super well,” said Liz Coker, a RA in Piñon Hall. “The employees are working super hard.”
Collegian News Reporter Erika Schultz can be reached at