Construction projects on campus are in full force, but with a rundown of each one, students can avoid cluttered areas and look forward to new facilities.
The cost of a proposed new stadium is estimated at $254.2 million, as stated in a study by Development Research Partners. LSC Revitalization will cost $65 million ($5 million from donors and $60 million bonded, to be paid back by student fees) and new plans for Eddy will run $12 million. Costs of the projects will total $331.2 million.
From the foothills to the Z lot
Hughes Stadium, built in 1968, rests beneath the historic “A.” Soon, if plans are approved, crews will begin construction of a new stadium located on a Z lot on campus, across from Newsom, which would mark the end of 56 years of Rams history at Hughes.
Discussions for the on-campus stadium began in January 2012. In August of that year, a feasibility report was presented to Colorado State University President Tony Frank and in October, he sent his recommendations to the Board of Governors.
“I will be making the following recommendation,” Frank wrote in an email to campus. “That CSU embark on fund raising efforts for a new stadium located on our main campus; that we continue to the next phase of planning, including the development of a program plan and an amendment of the campus master plan.”
Three days later, the Board of Governors approved a fundraising campaign. Throughout the next year, complaints arose from neighbors and the University.
Some neighbors claimed the influx of parked cars and noise would pollute their housing situations, and many horticulture buildings will also have to be relocated if the stadium proceeds. Questions about funding came as well.
Despite numerous concerns from organizations and individuals, Frank released in October 2013 that plans for the new 40,000 seat stadium will proceed as planned, as long as fundraising continued at an acceptable pace.
A committee received studies claiming sound and light from the stadium would be directed north, towards campus.
In surrounding neighborhoods, the sound could reach 65 dBA, which resembles a normal conversation. The north end of campus could see 80-85 dBA. Seats in the stadium are expected to reach 95 dBA, similar to a lawn mower. The volume would decrease to 22 dBA once inside a building.
“Levels in excess of 5 FC generally interfere with light-sensitive activities such as sleep, which rely on dark conditions,” states the draft light analysis.
Another study concerning parking came to the attention of the committee on Aug. 4. The study suggests creating 2,500-4,000 new spaces for the stadium.
Frank will present his recommendation to the Board of Governors in October on whether to continue with plans for the stadium.
Revitalizing 62 years of history
The Lory Student Center is home to student organizations, diversity offices, ASCSU, various speakers and more. Since January of 2013, the LSC has undergone revitalization to update the 160,000 square-foot building.
Construction began with ASCSU and its chambers, the Curfman Gallery and Sutherland Sculpture Garden. By the end of May, 500 people were relocated.
The Mac Gym, dubbed LSC West, housed 175 workstations for those displaced. Between 75-100 other work stations exist across campus and Fort Collins.
Revitalization is expected to be completed this fall, but an exact date is still unknown. Until then, the north entrances near the Transfort busses and the north plaza doors across from the Engineering Building remain open.
Most of the north end offices remain open, including the bookstore and Ramskeller. The update will include a new microbrewery, expansion of the Ramskeller, a 30 percent expansion of the Main Ballroom, new mechanical systems, study spaces and a land grant wall displaying CSU’s history.
Safety First
Eddy Hall entered construction in May of 2014, to address safety concerns.
“This revitalization project would prioritize life safety, ADA and energy efficiency upgrades, while improving the overall building aesthetics,” stated a release from Facilities Management.
Many of the concerns will be fixed by widening halls, improving existing entrances, repairing damaged parapets and exterior concrete stairs, installing a fire sprinkler system, upgrading the fire alarm system, installing new mechanical and plumbing fixtures, refurbishing the elevator and asbestos abatement.
Completion of the project is expected by August 2015. Eddy Hall houses offices from the English and philosophy departments, as well as the Writing Center.
During construction, some English faculty members will be moved to the first and second floors of Ingersoll Hall, some will remain in Eddy on the third floor and the main office will be located at BSB A105.
Philosophy offices can be found on the second floor of Eddy and the main office moved to Ingersoll 166. The Writing Center is relocated to Johnson Hall 222.
Collegian Managing Editor Lawrence Lam can be reached
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