CSU, meet your new ASCSU president and vice president.
At approximately 7:35 p.m. Wednesday night, Nigel Daniels and Andrew Olson were elected 2013-14 ASCSU president and vice president with 64.3 percent of the vote.
It was standing room only as approximately 100 people packed themselves into Room 130 of the Computer Science building. The tension rose in the room as the senators were announced and small crowds gathered around their preferred candidate.
A hush fell over the room as ASCSU elections manager Beau Loendorf said, “Now the moment you’ve all been waiting for…” before he announced Daniels and Olson won.
The room broke into applause, and Daniels, fighting back tears, began hugging his supporters.
“It’s awesome, it’s amazing, it’s an inspiration because it sends the message that students really want to see a change in their student body government and to be united as Rams across all areas of campus,” Daniels said afterwards.
Both Olson and Daniels said the high numbers of students who voted is a testament to the hard work both campaigns put into the election.
Wendy Bowling and John Stockley received 35.7 percent of votes, with 0.2 percent of ballots indicating no vote and 2.9 percent of ballots cast for ineligible write-in candidates.
“I wish Nigel and Andrew the best of luck,” Stockley said after the results were announced. “They’re going to do great. ASCSU has a bright future.”
Both campaigns had been working non-stop the last three weeks, and were seen everyday on the plaza, meeting students through sunshine, sleet, rain and snow.
“The support our staff gave us is just unbelievable. We couldn’t have done it without they support they gave us,” Olson said.
Following a victory celebration at C.B. & Potts after talking to student media, the president and vice-president elect will begin work Thursday morning.
The first priority is meeting with CSU administration and current ASCSU administration to review different ASCSU budget proposals for next year. Monday, they will take the final proposal to the Student Fee Review Board for final approval. Getting the cabinet structure in place is another priority, including filling positions for RamRide Director and Chief of Staff.
Even members who will be returning next year aren’t guaranteed their jobs.
“It’s a fair applicant po0l,” Daniels said. “Everyone will apply for the positions and they will be granted to the best applicant.”
In keeping with one of the most discussed issues in the campaign, Daniels said one of the biggest challenges for next year is the Lory Student Center construction and rising tuition and student fees.
“Specifically with the LSC it’s an opportunity more than a challenge,” Daniels said. “It’s an opportunity for us to truly collaborate and come together as Rams.”
Along with presidential results, college senators and the winning design for next year’s Forever Green t-shirt were also announced. Design No. 1, the winning design with 38.7 percent of votes, was created by Chase Baker.
According to a news release from ASCSU, 4,907 undergraduate and graduate students voted in this year’s election, yielding a 20.09 percent voter turnout. Of these students, 875 were freshmen; 1,189 were sophomores; 1,273 were juniors; 1,297 were seniors; and 273 were graduate students.
Senate elections resulted in 14 seats filled with 36 seats still available. College of Liberal Arts Senators elected included Timbre Shriver, Francesca Tait, Alexander Johnson, Terran Hause and Mathew Gardner. College of Engineering senators elected were Brandon Earle and Sean Morris.
College of Agricultural Sciences elected senators are Emily Rudder and Landon Schaffert. Intra-University elected senators include Taylor Watson, Cameron Doelling and Kwjuanitz Yearby. Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences senators elected are Lance LiPuma and Tuan Hoang.
Senators for all remaining colleges will be determined by their respective college councils.
The ASCSU Constitution was approved with a 89.81 percent vote.
Watch the ASCSU election announcement from CTV channel 11