- Cut oil imports in half by 2020, expand domestic production
- Have an all-of-the-above approach to energy independence and increase production of natural gas, wind and solar energy
- Double fuel efficiency standards
- Keep taxes low for middle class families
- Simplify the tax code
- Households making more than $1 million should not pay a smaller share of income than the middle class
- Invest in education, small businesses, infrastructure and research
- Eliminate tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas and create tax incentives for businesses bringing jobs back home
- Double exports and create 1 million new manufacturing jobs
- Enforce current laws pertaining to weapons
- Strengthen the National Instant Criminal Background Check System
- Prevent criminals and mentally unbalanced individuals from purchasing firearms by checking record before gun sales
- Return troops from Afghanistan and end the war by 2014
- Secure vulnerable nuclear materials
- Commit to Israel’s security
- Prevent the VA from undergoing automatic budget cuts
- Streamline veterans’ transitions to civilian life through job training
- Create a Veterans Job Corps conservation program to put 20,000 veterans to work in America and encourage the private sector to hire veterans
- Invest in community colleges to provide education and career-training
- Reform federal campus-based aid programs to shift aid away from colleges that don’t keep net tuition down
- Increase college graduates and contain cost of tuition by rewarding states willing to systematically change their higher education policies and practices
- Provide quality, affordable and reliable health insurance
- Stop insurance company abuses
- End to health insurance discrimination
- Pass comprehensive bipartisan immigration reform
- Focus enforcement on those who endanger communities, and de-emphasize low priority cases like students, veterans, citizens and military families
- Oppose Arizona’s S.B. 1070 that requires police to check immigration status if there is reasonable suspicion someone is undocumented
- End health insurance discrimination
- Protect a woman’s right to choose
- Passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act
- Achieve energy independence by 2020
- Have the private sector lead development of new energy technologies and have the states control energy production
- Approve the Keystone XL pipeline, promote regulatory cooperation with Mexico and Canada
- Make a 20 percent cut in marginal tax rates
- Maintain current tax rates on dividends, capital gains and interest
- Eliminate taxes for taxpayers with adjusted gross income below $200,000
- Amend the National Labor Relations Act to protect the right of business owners to use money as they see fit, and guarantee a secret ballot in all union certification elections
- Reverse executive orders that tilt the playing field towards organized labor
- Consolidate federal retraining programs and funding and return management to the states
- No additional laws to restrict Second Amendment rights
- Expand access and opportunities for hunting and shooting and defend the right of individuals to protect family, home and property
- Enforce existing laws and punish criminals who misuse firearms
- Commit to a multi-layered national ballistic-missile defense system and set core defense spending at 4 percent of GDP
- Establish clear lines of authority and accountability for each weapons system to remain on time and on budget, and institute a shorter design and delivery process.
- Work closely with Israel to maintain a strategic military edge, and work with Turkey and Egypt to fix their relationships with Israel
- Modify the Post 9/11 GI Bill to give veterans in-state tuition regardless of residency
- Help veterans find skilled trade employment by creating state credentialing and licensing standards
- Allow veterans to see a TRICARE (military health insurance) provider at the VA’s expense if the VA cannot provide timely health care.
- Reverse nationalization of student loans and return to bank-based student lending
- Refocus Pell Grant dollars to those who need them the most
- Stem rate of increase in grant funding to go with the rate of inflation and hold down rate of tuition/fee increases
- Executive order to allow the federal government to issue Obamacare waivers to the states, and repeal Obamacare
- Put states in charge of regulating local insurance markets and caring for poor, chronically ill, or uninsured
- Give block grants to the states for Medicare and limit federal standards on insurance coverage
- Implement immigration strategy to bolster the economy, ensure security, keep nuclear families together and address illegal immigration
- Grant permanent residency to foreign students who obtain advanced degrees
- Speed up process of temporary work visas and create an effective mandatory employment verification system
- Restore the economy and get women to work
- Overturn Roe v. Wade, return power to determine abortion laws to the states
- End federal funding for abortion advocates like Planned Parenthood