Before I go into the actual experience, let me just say that I recognize Fusion’s status as a new club and that it hasn’t had a whole lot of time to develop it’s clientele.
I also recognize that I may have gone on an atypical night, so take this review with a grain of salt.
My date (or, review assistant) and I arrived at Fusion around 9 p.m. on Saturday night.
The entrance was flanked by guys in black slacks and dress shirts with blue ties, and the first thing that caught my eye inside was the cool waterfall sign behind the front desk.
Both of those things, combined with the twisted-metal chandeliers and modern bar really did give Fusion the upscale vibe it promised.
After sitting on a leather couch and taking it all in, I took a look at their menu. Fusion offers a few small plates that sounded appealing, but one look at their prices and I knew that I was only buying a drink that night.
I ordered a Katie’s Rosemary Lemonade, which was actually delicious. A word of caution: ask for less ice. My eleven dollars didn’t get me the vodka to ice ratio that I would have liked.
After finishing my drink we took to the dance floor where the DJ was playing a mix of soul music. Now, this is where my disclaimer comes in.
It became increasingly apparent that my date/assistant and I were probably the youngest ones there. Sure, there was a number of 20-somethings there, but the majority of the crowd seemed to be much older.
It was then that I noticed a cluster of balloons in the corner that all said “40!” on them.
I concede that it’s entirely possible that we just happened to go on a night where someone was throwing a 40th birthday party, and that it could not have been a regular night for Fusion.
That being said, I saw 40 year old ladies get lower than I ever wanted to!
I’ll be honest, my date/assistant and I left around 10:30. Whether or not the crowd changes as the night goes on, I couldn’t tell you.
If I could give this review one takeaway message it would be this: don’t write off Fusion right away. Give it some time to get it’s footing and then go see for yourself.
However, consider going later at night, develop an appreciation for soul music before you go, and remember to ask for less ice.
Collegian Arts and Culture reporter Rachel Fountain can be reached at or on Twitter @rachelcfountain.