1. Okay, he speaks at 7 p.m. Is it too early to get here at 3 p.m.?
2. Holy crap, this is a long line.
3. Is Bernie in his hotel room right now giving himself a pep-talk in the mirror?
4. What hotel does Bernie stay at? A Holiday Inn Express?
5. Oh good, free stickers.
6. I should’ve brought snacks.
7. This weather is really nice for February.
8. I’m definitely going to get sunburned.
9. Ordering Jimmy Johns to the Bernie line? I should’ve thought of that.
10. A giant cloud of weed smoke just came out of nowhere.
11. I wish I had a cool Bernie t-shirt .
12. Security? Everyone calm down. Why is this Secret Service guy going through my tampons?
13. Cool, this guy’s here…?
14. Is Bernie going to comb his hair today?
15. I should’ve brought chalk.
16. This pre-speech playlist is on point. *Dances to “Timber.”*
17. Reggae revolution music: he knows exactly what we want.
18. I should’ve brought a sign.
19. It’s 7:05 p.m. We are the 99 percent waiting for Bernie to come out. Let’s protest.
20. Is that him? Nah, that’s just an old guy looking for the exit.
21. Okay, here he is finally (and he was amazing, of course).
See our full coverage of the event here.
Collegian Social Media Team Member Catie Perry can be reached at socialmedia@collegian.com or on Twitter @perrycatie.