Though our beloved University President rarely celebrates Halloween these days, he does recall how he used to celebrate, what his favorite costume was and which horror movie is still his favorite today.
With his children:

Frank, his wife Patti Helper and their three daughters celebrated the holiday while the children were young with trick-or-treating and costumes.
“We used to spend a good time with the girls,” Frank said.
Now, however, with his daughters out of the house, Frank and Helper rarely celebrate the holiday.
Frank said the two now rarely receive few trick-or-treaters in their downtown Loveland home.
In college:
Instead, Frank remembers Halloween during his own college years.
One of his favorite costumes was Budman, the Budweiser superhero from the 1970s. Frank recalls riding in his motorcycle, wearing the costume.
Tony Frank said his favorite horror film is the “The Shining.” He said he appreciates the subtleties of Stephen King’s writing, and how those were translated into the film.
Collegian A&E Editor Hannah Ditzenberger can be reached at or on Twitter at @h_ditzenberger.