Our beloved Lyric Cinema Café may be moving further away from campus, but they will only be moving closer to our hearts. Single tear.
“We’re thinking of moving up north a bit, we aren’t entirely sure where yet,” said employee Megan Rice. “It’ll be bigger and better.”
The theater sent out an email with these vague clues about the new location:
“There are windmills and tube lights. Spirals and curly swirls. Carousels and magic! It will be where the the Luck Dragon sings and Dodos come to roost.”
In an interview with the Coloradoan, owner Ben Mozer talked about the new location. The Lyric is looking at the empty lot at 1209 N. College Ave., across the street from Jax Outdoor Gear.
“When you think about it, the distance will bring us closer together,” the Lyric added. “If you love something, let it go.”
Depending on where you live, this means the Lyric will no longer be your closest theater. The AMC Cinema Saver might become students’ nearest cinema, at 2525 Worthington Circle.
“I mean, I’ll probably have to drive my car for a whole five minutes more than usual,” said sophomore engineering major Aidan Friederich. “The real struggle, right?”
The move would allow the Lyric to expand to three theaters, as opposed to the two at its current location, and add far more seating for a restaurant-style experience.
“I know it seems far away, but really it isn’t that bad. I swear,” the email stated. “And when you see what I’m talking about, it’s gonna be awesome.”
Collegian Film Beat Writer Morgan Smith can be reached at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @MDSFilms.