Sometimes it is hard to really know the stories behind those that you sit next to every day in class. While you may know who they are and what their opinions are within a class setting, you may not know something as simple as their major.
With over 150 programs at Colorado State University, there are many that get overlooked by the majority.
“We feel like many people don’t even know that CSU offers a dance major,” said seniors Madison Lobato and Meagan Suchomel. “But we really want people to come and show support.”
The four senior dance majors at CSU, including Lindsay Dighero and Melissa Pite, have worked hard this semester to put together their senior showcase, one of the requirements to graduate as a dance major.
“We each have to choreograph a group piece,” Lobato said. “We have a rehearsal once a week and a rehearsal every Sunday for the entire semester. And for our solos, each of us has to have a five minute dance that we perform ourselves.”
The performance focuses on the seniors that are graduating, but uses other dance majors who are not seniors yet.
“At the beginning of the semester we auditioned all the dance majors,” Lobato said. “Then we selected the dancers that we wanted to perform in our pieces.”
This gives the other dancers a chance to perform in a piece before they have to create one of their own.
The dances promise to keep attendees entertained by changing the styles from scene to scene.
Pite said that she prefers ballet when it comes to her own style of dancing.
“My solo is on pointe,” Pite said. “I’m wearing nude pointe shoes, a long black skirt and using a chair as my partner … I’m more of a ballet dancer, so I like to use ballet moves alongside contemporary styles.”
The pieces will consist of themes that the senior dance majors have picked and worked tirelessly on since the beginning of the semester. With themes like earth, water, and individual growth, the dancers plan to convey their overarching them of “Vitality.”
The dancers all noted that the show will have a lot of flair with lights, fog and other various effects to convey their messages while also entertaining the audience.
The dance itself will take place Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. in the University Dance Theatre at the University Center for the Arts. Tickets are on sale now and are $8 for students and $18 for the public.
Collegian A&E Writer Royce Hoffner can be reached at or on Twitter @RoyceHoffner.