FoCo Cafe’s Bike-In Music Festival at Spring Kite Farm on July 21 is one step toward this nonprofit organization’s mission: “To build a community by providing nutritious and delicious meals to the people of Fort Collins regardless of their ability to pay while using local, organic, and sustainably grown ingredients.” This hike-in, bike-in, zero waste, pay what you can or pay it forward music festival is from 3 to 7 p.m., rain or shine.
FoCo Cafe began as a simple idea by Kathleen and Jeff Baumgardner one year ago that has now transformed into a platform “for anyone from the homeless to politicians to reconnect with their community through healthy eating,” Kathleen said.
“There are roughly 40,000 people in Larimer Country that are considered food insecure,” Kathleen said. “The cafe is trying to promote Fort Collins as a world class community by demonstrating how you can use the triple line business model to provide health equity and food justice.”
“We don’t want anyone blocked out because of cost,” Jeff said. “You can buy a ticket for $15 to $100; you can pay it forward as much as you want, as much as makes you feel good, but if times are hard just come in and connect with the community,” Jeff said.
Two hundred tickets are available for the event, and can be purchased online at www.fococafe.org.
The festival will have a plethora of food and activities. Starbucks is donating free iced tea and coffee, Lee’s Cyclery Bike Shop is providing bicycle support, there will be face painting, donated desserts will be auctioned, bike jewelry and tie-dyed shirts will be sold, and more.

Sponsored by the Bohemian Foundation, Blue Grama Bluegrass, Switchman Sleepin’ and Maxwell Hughes, formerly in The Lumineers, will be performing.
“We’re super excited to be playing bluegrass music for Colorado people. Just feeding the hungry with bluegrass,” said Sam Meunier, Blue Grama Bluegrass band member.
Odell Brewing Company is sponsoring the event as well.
The Baumgarnders explained this idea occurred when they realized their greatest moments happened when they were enjoying good, healthy food.
“We need to look at options for all people; it’s important to us,” Kathleen said. “Single moms shouldn’t have to feed their children those frozen pizzas, just icky food. That’s why our world has an obesity problem.”
The Baumgardeners strive to obtain a classroom in which food education such as nutrition can be taught to the community.
“Education nourishes the soul,” Kathleen said.
Guests are welcome to bring their own food to the festival but are asked to keep any glass and alcohol at home. It is a zero waste festival on a working farm. Volunteers are still needed for the festival. To sign up, visit www.fococafe.org.
Content producer Sarah Prinz can be reached at news@collegian.com.