Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
The Colorado State University Rams play in their spring game during Green and Gold weekend April 23.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State head football coach Jay Norvell watches the Green and Gold game April 23. The Colorado State football team finished its Spring Practice schedule with an intra-squad scrimmage, with 1st string team winning 49-37.
Collegian | Gregory James
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State wide receiver Matt Greenwald (31) celebrates a pick-six by Brandon Guzman for the “World” team at the Green and Gold game April 23. The Colorado State football team hosted an intra-squad scrimmage open to the public to culminate their spring practice schedule . “I’m really proud of our football team,” Head coach Jay Norvell said. “We’ve probably made more progress off the field than we have on” Norvell elaborated saying the team has become more disciplined and had leadership within the team step up to keep guys honest and form bonds with their teammates.
Collegian | Gregory James
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Freshman Sammy Norris (61) takes his helmet off during a break in the Green and Gold Weekend game April 23.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
Colorado State wide receiver Logan Flinta (10) catches a pass as defensive back Jack Howell (17) tries to bring him down April 23. The intra-squad scrimmage was the first opportunity for newcomers like Flinta to playin a game-like scenario at Canvas Stadium.
Collegian | Gregory James
Colorado State wide receiver Dawson Mengatti (40) celebrates a catch by running back Alex Berrouet April 23.
Collegian | Gregory James
Colorado State Rams play their spring game during green and gold weekend.
Collegian | Reuel Indurkar
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