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The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

Freedom of Speech

(Graphic Illustration by Charles Cohen | The Collegian)

La libertad de expresión está a salvo en CSU – ¿debería estarlo también el discurso de odio?

Dylan Tusinski and Florentino Aguilera February 22, 2022

Nota del editor: Puedes leer la versión en ingles de este artículo aquí. Traducción de Florentino Aguilera El semestre pasado, dos predicadores llegaron a La Plaza. De acuerdo con reportes...

(Graphic Illustration by Jessie Conlisk | The Collegian)

Who counts as a trespasser on Colorado State’s campus?

Kota Babcock and Ivy Secrest February 9, 2022

Understanding the role of vaccines in on-campus life has confused students, staff and the local community, especially after Colorado State University sent no trespass orders to students in October related...

(Graphic Illustration by Charles Cohen | The Collegian)

CSU community members give their takes on free speech

Grayson Reed, Photographer February 9, 2022

Colorado State University has many opportunities for students to voice their thoughts effectively, whether students feel the right to protest events on campus, take a position as a member of the student...

(Graphic Illustration by Chloe Leline | The Collegian)

Gross: Staying silent is just as powerful a freedom as that of speech

Dillon Gross, Collegian Columnist February 9, 2022
Words are powerful; they always have been. Revolutionary texts like Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” are integral to the founding of the United States. There’s a reason that freedom of speech is the very first amendment to the Constitution. In a day of prevalent social movements and political events, it is expected that everyone has an opinion on everything. And, of course, differing opinions are good and beneficial for democracy. With anyone able to get a Twitter account and say whatever they want, the internet is constantly flooded with more words than anyone could ever read. The constant expectation for people to speak up about everything, however, is harmful. 
Students utilize the study spaces and resources on the second floor of the Morgan Library

The freedom to read: How libraries uphold the First Amendment

Noah Pasley, News Editor February 9, 2022

While a wealth of knowledge is available at the click of a keyboard and a Google search away for many, local libraries have long played their part championing access to reading materials for the general...

(Graphic Illustration by Brian Peña | The Collegian)

Name, image, likeness: 7 months into the NIL era

Braidon Nourse, Sports Reporter February 9, 2022

On July 1, 2021, the college sports world was shaken up by a piece of legislation signed after years of debate. The NCAA eliminated restrictions against college athletes making money for their name, image...

(Graphic Illustration by Dylan Tusinski | The Collegian)

Lopez: There is privilege in being heard; stop spreading conspiracies

Dominique Lopez, Collegian Columnist February 9, 2022
Teachers in schools across the country are begging their respective school boards to better follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines. This plea is often overlooked by school boards, and there are still few harsh mandates being placed on school districts despite the growing rate of COVID-19 cases.  After reading this the question about why so many different counties have different mask mandates and also about the way that so many people use their freedom of speech to fight against these mask mandates when they are there to protect everyone including those against them.
The crowd and police at the January 1970 demonstration against Brigham Young University in Moby Arena.

1970 Moby riot: Students using the athletics stage for change

Bailey Shepherd, Sports Reporter February 8, 2022

What would you do to stand up for what you believe in? To what lengths would you be willing to go? Would you stand boldly in the face of authority to have your voice heard? Would you raise your voice,...

(Graphic Illustration by Chloe Leline | The Collegian)

20 years of restricted speech: Panhandling in Fort Collins

Maddy Erskine, Arts and Culture Editor February 8, 2022

From 1995 to 2015, Fort Collins was enforcing an unconstitutional panhandling ordinance. Panhandling is "to stop people on the street and ask for food or money," according to Merriam-Webster. Violation...

A photo illustration of a person trying to post to Twitter who's account was recently suspended.

McKissick: Social media platforms are not bound by the First Amendment

Nathaniel McKissick, Collegian Columnist February 8, 2022
In recent years, the internet has become a hotbed of misinformation. In 1710, Jonathan Swift mused that “falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it.” Three centuries later, and this quote still rings true, especially on social media platforms where the truth often goes unchecked by the everyday user. COVID-19 plunged us face-first into an era that exacerbated this issue even further, giving rise to misinformation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, the coronavirus itself, ostensible treatments like Ivermectin and ultraviolet therapy, mask sentiments and more.
(Graphic Illustration by Charles Cohen | The Collegian)

Free speech is safe at CSU — should hate speech be too?

Dylan Tusinski, News Reporter February 8, 2022
What exactly is free speech, and is it safe at CSU? The answer is a bit more confusing than it may seem.
(Graphic Illustration by Charles Cohen | The Collegian)

‘What does free speech mean to you?’

Milo Gladstein, Garrett Mogel, and Grayson Reed February 8, 2022

  Reach Milo Gladstein, Garrett Mogel and Grayson Reed at or on twitter @GladsteinMilo, @MountainManGman and @graysonreed8, respectively. 

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