I’m not kidding. Maybe not your own personal doctor, but there is now an app where your MD can DM pictures of rare illnesses and afflictions they have seen in the field, to share with professionals or those who love the weird and exotic wounds
“Love Instagram but tired of all those trite pics of little people in big landscapes, cats, and food? Yearning for something a little more serious? Don’t suppose you’re also a Grey’s Anatomy fan, too, are you? Or maybe snuff films? If so, man do we have the app for you. Meet Figure-1, which is being fairly accurately touted in the media as “Instagram for Doctors,” a new photo-sharing service for iPhone and Android that allows health care professionals to upload images from their cases for educational and professional purposes. Since laypeople can also download the app, which features endless scrolling through wounds, pustules, tumors, and X-rays, it could just as easily be billed as “Instagram for Doctors, Serial Killers, And People Who Think They Have It Bad But Want To Be Proven Otherwise.””