This year, the Collegian will be introducing a new segment called CampusView. When the Collegian staff only has a fixed number of columnists writing all year, that means readers get the same opinions from the same people. This can get pretty old for many, so we’re introducing a way for the community to be heard in their college newspaper without being a full-time staff member.
Once a week, we will pose a question to the entire campus regarding any current issue in the public sphere. This can be political, cultural, moral, or philosophical.
Sometimes the issues will be light and fun as well, and will include decisions and events in Fort Collins and Colorado as a whole. Readers can then type up their opinion on the issue and potentially have it published. We will then publish two opposing viewpoints, on the same day, on the given issue, in order to shed light on how the Fort Collins community is viewing and reacting to local and world events.
Writers can choose to be named or remain anonymous. In order to create a submission, writers need to craft the following: Include your name, or anonymous, and your year of study. Responses must be in-between 200-350 words. Responses most likely to be published will be clear, concise, and contain correct grammar and punctuation. Send your full response to with the subject line reading “OurView Submission-[the subject of the week] -Your Name (or Anonymous). Then put your response in the body of the email, followed again by your name and year of study.
Every CampusView segment will be published on the following Wednesday. To start off this new feature, we will write this week’s topic at the bottom of this column. In the future, every new topic for the following week will be placed in bold at the bottom of the current CampusView column.
We look forward to hearing your voices.
Topic for Wednesday, 8/24: Many students have been holding signs for incoming freshmen with blatantly offensive and sexual messages. What are your thoughts on this?
Writers can choose to be named or remain anonymous. In order to create a submission, writers need to craft the following: Include your name, or anonymous, and your year of study. Responses must be in-between 200-350 words. Responses most likely to be published will be clear, concise, and contain correct grammar and punctuation. Send your full response to with the subject line reading “OurView Submission-[the subject of the week] -Your Name (or Anonymous).