When I started college, I thought the seniors had it all figured out. They walked to class with such confidence and gusto, maybe a hint of exhaustion, but it seemed like a badge of honor.
As a senior now, the confident stride and dark cycles under the eyes are a reality. The “having it all figured out” part isn’t as true – but I’ve found my interests and passions.
As Editor in Chief of the Collegian this summer, an internship and juggling a few other responsibilities in my major of choice – I consider myself incredibly lucky and proud. Colorado State University has given me the tools and opportunities to succeed, and I jumped at each one.
I started college ready to succeed but hardly knew the extent of support I would receive from the CSU community. Whatever you put into college, you’ll get right back. My advice to you is to go full force into school. Be excited, get involved, be proud of what you can accomplish because only you can make it happen.
Be confident as you walk to class. It’s your motivation that got you here. And be confident that while you might not know what you’ll be doing in four years, it’s the amount of effort you put in now that will determine your fate.
Immerse yourself in college. It’s up to you now.
Collegian Editor in Chief Bailey Constas wants you to get involved by emailing her at letters@collegian.com.
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