![Isaac Morley](https://collegian.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/3F1A7804-166x250.jpg)
Corruption, laziness, rampant abuse of power and money. These are things that are currently thriving in the Capitol. While the American system was built on good intentions, so too, goes the colloquial phrase, is the road to Hell. Perhaps this is why the system simply does not work anymore.
In a perfect world, the democratic representative government would be absolutely ideal for a society like ours. The problem arises however, when you consider the human aspect of the society. Humans are innately greedy, lazy and mean. When given an opportunity, more time than not man will through his neighbor under the bus to further his own position. Is this not exactly what the political campaign system has turned into?
If you consider the last election in 2012, it is clear how corrupt the system has become. From mudslinging campaigns wasting billions of dollars, to the inevitable loss of any campaign to an independent candidate, the truth is in front of us — the system is broken.
At an estimated 6 billion dollars, the election in 2012 was perhaps one of the most expensive in history. At the same time, it was one of the least informational, hate filled, vile campaigns in history. The system does not have to work this way. We can make a new, better system that could change the world.
I propose that it is time to completely revamp the system that currently exists. The solution is fairly simple and will not only allow for a more honest system, but also allow for independent candidates to actually have a shot at winning the presidency.
The answer is putting a cap on the amount of money that is allowed to be spent on campaigns.
By limiting campaign funds, we will be able to control the system to only display the vital materials. Smear campaigns will be limited if not completely eliminated, candidates will actually have to talk about the issues facing us in today’s society, and candidates will have to actually represent the populous like they are supposed to.
In a previous article, I talked about how the corruption of politics has roots in the backing of large corporations. By eliminating the huge amounts of money we can eradicate that to some extent. Even if the corporations are still donating large amounts, the money would no longer be going to the candidate themselves.
We could, in theory, create a fund in which a small amount of tax money over the four years is put into a fund that is equally distributed between the Republican, Democratic, and the highest polled Independent Candidate. This creates an equal distribution of wealth and allows for true change to come to the system.
While politics are currently being dominated by the stereotypical big cat (an old, white, rich guy with thousand dollar suits who hasn’t actually spent enough time working to know what the American people are really like), this proposed system could completely change that by allowing candidates who are unaffiliated, and perhaps represent the real America better, to have a shot at winning the presidential title.
While I accept that the system has flaws, there are perhaps loop holes and it would be largely unpopular amongst the two major parties, I submit to you that through this minor change in the system, America could really change for the better. All it takes is spending less money — something our country should already be trying to do.
I say that it is time for the Representative style of government to actually represent the wishes of the people it governs. It is time for an evolution of the system to match the changing times.
As the younger generation it is within our power to make this change. We need to make the world realize that it no longer has to be a world run by the past, but rather look to the future and take the power into our own hands and create the change that needs to happen.
Currently, 38 percent of the American population is under 30 year of age. While, obviously, less than that can actually vote, the point still stands. We have a significant group of the population and if we chose, we could truly make a difference and change the world.
An old professor of mine who will remain anonymous once told me, “The only opportunity that you are guaranteed to miss is the one you do not take.” If we have the chance to make a difference, shouldn’t we take it?
Isaac Morley is a sophomore Business and English Education double major. He enjoys having people write in and making people think. Follow him on Twitter @Isaac_Morley – Letters and feedback can be sent to letters@collegian.com.