Fall break is finally here! If your alarm is still set and you aren’t in your pajamas already, you’ve got some work to do (or not do). Read on for a few ideas on how to make the most of these cozy, lazy days.
1. Get Your Netflix Fix

Whether it means jumping back into a series you left on the back burner or starting a new one, there’s something special about the bond you make with characters on TV shows… and with a large bowl of popcorn. I strongly recommend Fringe and White Collar, and not just because I have huge crushes on the male leads.
2. Read Something Besides a Textbook
Maybe the last thing you want to do is use your brain, but you finally have the chance to read without being tested over the material! If you have a serious aversion to books, find an interesting blog (heeeey!) or even some Wikipedia articles to skim. Listverse.com offers tons of top 10 lists full of interesting facts and stories. You won’t even realize you’re learning!
3. Embrace the Kitchen

If you’ve been cooped up in a dorm, or an apartment with limited culinary resources (we still haven’t bought a strainer), take advantage of being back home by cooking up something fantastic. It’s the holidays, after all, so no one can judge you for making something containing 50 billion calories. If you agree to share your tasty creation with the fam, you may even receive funding for a trip to the grocery store! Hear that pinterest board of food pins calling your name yet?
4. Rekindle a Hobby

When professors pile on the homework, fun can be the first thing to go. Use these free days to get back into your favorite hobby or do something your passionate about! It could be writing, video games, drawing, or anything, really. You could even knit a scarf for your crush, or your cat.
5. Do Your Homework

Ugh ewww gross homework barf. I’m sorry for suggesting it, but for some people, break can be a great time to get ahead in school. Getting work finished early means less stress during the last few weeks before the semester ends. Also, you don’t have to worry about new material, so use the time to go over confusing concepts. If nothing else, studying is a great excuse to treat yourself to a bunch of sweet coffee drinks!