Because I got high: A camping miracle, movie trip, golf steroids
Collegian | Trin Bonner
May 4, 2023
Editor’s Note: “Because I Got High” content consists of community story submissions and does not represent the views of The Collegian or its editorial board. The Collegian does not promote underage or excessive substance use or impairment for the purpose of creating a submission.
A camping miracle
Last semester a few friends and I decided to take advantage of the warmish fall weather and head up the Poudre Canyon to do some camping. After driving in and out of different camp spots, we had finally found one just as the sun was hitting the top of the Rockies. So after getting the speaker connected with some groovy nature tunes and cracking open a beer, we set up our two tents, put all our yummy snacks and meals into the bear box, started a small fire and put all our games and activities on the picnic table.
Once we could settle down and take a seat in our camp chairs around the fire, I thought it would be the perfect time to pull out the good stuff. We were only camping for two nights, so I bought a pack of five pre-rolls, which had only one left come night two. I went to pull out the last joint, and it had a small tear in it right where the filter met the flower, showing a small hole but a big problem. That was our only thing left to smoke, so it was crucial that I found a way to fix it. So after a small panic among the group, I went through all our inventory to see what could be our fixing savior.
That’s when I found what everyone should have on a camping trip because it could come in handy in more ways than one: a first-aid kit. I pulled out the smallest butterfly bandaid I could find and did some prestigious surgical work and completely rehabilitated the pre-roll to a form that was smokable. I was thanked deeply by all my friends when I presented them with what they were waiting for, and we ended up finishing up a great smoking — I mean camping — trip.
Edibles: The best movie snack
For 4/20 this year, I was trying to figure out how I wanted to spend my day. I had already decided I was going to ditch all my classes for the day as it was a national holiday, at least for me. Now that I had a whole day to myself to get super high, I headed to a dispensary and got a few packs of edibles. I reached out to all three of my friends, but they all decided to be better students than me and said they couldn’t partake in the best day of the year until later that night. So I tried to think of something fun to do alone while being super high.
I decided to go to a movie. So I took a few edibles and looked to see what movie would be the most visually appealing. I knew the winner right when I saw it: “The Super Mario Bros. Movie.” It was just the kind of humor and color spread I needed, and it was definitely a 4/20 for the books, as I was one of three people in the theater that day. I highly recommend the activity for yourself or even with friends.
Cannabis golf steroids
Last weekend one of my best friends and I went to hit some rounds at one of the golf courses in town and lit up a quick joint as we went up to the first tee box. A few holes later, we had killed the pre-roll and were downing water. But come hole 18, I realized I had achieved one of the best scores I’d ever had on a golf course. I had two birdies, and as par was 36, I hit a 43. Might try out for the CSU team now, but only if they don’t require drug tests before tournaments.
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