Horoscopes Oct. 10-16


Collegian | Brooke Beresford

Bella Eckburg, Opinion Director

Horoscopes can be applied to your sun, moon and rising signs.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

ARIES (March 21 April 19)

Check on your relationships this week, Aries. With all that focus on your personal goals and the moon in your corner, it’s time to balance with some tender love and care.


Word of the week: balance

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

TAURUS (April 20 May 20)

Money and stability are important, Taurus, but they aren’t everything. Get creative with your resources and work life — the change might surprise you.

Word of the week: regrouping

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

You can’t become too scattered, Gemini. Taking on new interests and hobbies might be tempting, but make sure to watch your schedule and make time for personal reflection.

Word of the week: creativity

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Give yourself a break, Cancer — you’ve earned it. Spend time focusing on activities that make your life easier, like cleaning your room or decorating your space. 

Word of the week: self-care

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

LEO (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Keep an eye on your communication, Leo; it could get you into trouble. Focusing on the vastness of what the future holds for you is great, but be sure to cultivate personal peace with your loved ones who are present now. 

Word of the week: patience 


(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

VIRGO (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Declutter your mind and your schedule, Virgo. With the big things out of the way, it’s time to focus on the little things. Keep what is working and useful, and ditch the rest.

Word of the week: precision

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

LIBRA (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

It’s time to have that conversation you’ve been dreading, Libra. It might be uncomfortable, but now is the best time to handle it — you can’t avoid it any longer. Communication and compassion are crucial to your success.

Word of the week: declarations

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Take a look at those around you, Scorpio, and look for superficiality. It’s time to vibe check your life and those in it. Lie low and observe; don’t jump straight into conflict. Things take time to smooth out.

Word of the week: restraint

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

You’re sensitive this week, Sagittarius. Being constantly focused on the moods of others might lead you to forget yourself. Keeping your truth silent is only going to lead to struggles, so allow yourself kindness, and stay open to learning.

Word of the week: honesty

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

You’re all work and no play this week, Capricorn. Getting everything done can be disorienting, but praise is coming in due time. While you’re busy handling everything, remember to budget time, and take care of one task at a time. 

Word of the week: manifesting

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Adventure is out there, Aquarius, and you’re itching for it. Now is the time to bond with those around you and invite them to come along for the ride. Don’t overthink — just send it.

Word of the week: optimism

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

PISCES (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Give yourself space to rest, Pisces. Compassion, spirituality and imagination are key to keeping yourself open amid the chaos — it’s hard being so emotionally in tune.

Word of the week: ambitious 

Reach Bella Eckburg at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @yaycolor.