Hear From the Experts at Business Day 2022!



The Dean’s Student Leadership Council in conjunction with the College of Business is happy to announce that Business Day will be making an in-person return this year on Thursday, April 21st

Business Day is a long tradition at CSU, spanning back 44 years. This year’s theme is leadership and will feature a wide variety of professionals from a multitude of industries including education, music and athletics. 

Attend to hear from: 

  • Rachel Carlson, CEO and founder of Guild Education, a company currently valued at over $3.5 billion, and her grandfather, former Colorado Governor Roy Romer
  • Colorado State’s new head football coach, Jay Norvell who brings decades of experience in professional and university athletics with him to Fort Collins
  • Chuck Morris and Eric Griffin, who lead the new Music Business program at the College of Business with their experience as titans of industry
  • Ginger Graham, the owner and operator of Ginger and Baker, a local Fort Collins business, and a former faculty member at Harvard, entrepreneurial consultant, and CEO
  • Finally, Angelina Howard, Senior Product Manager at Amazon Web Services,  who leads and advocates for a more inclusive and diverse workplace and world 

There will be something for everyone at Business Day 2022, and we hope to see you at the LSC Theater on April 21st at 10am! 

Don’t forget to bring your friends and spread the word and remember Business Day is 100% FREE – do not pass up this opportunity for valuable knowledge and insights!

Learn more about business day here!