Group classes at The Rec bring community to CSU fitness

Collegian | Madelyn Hendricks

Dylan Heinrich, Staff Reporter

Editor’s Note: Read the Spanish version of this article here.

The Colorado State University Recreation Center is a bustling ecosystem. Between all the equipment, basketball courts and the indoor rock wall, The Rec has something for everybody. Tucked inside this enterprise is a hidden gem of 25 separate group classes. 

These classes usually last about an hour with a focus on creating a group atmosphere of anywhere between 10-30 participants. They have a wide array of purposes, from relaxation to strength to cardio. For my first-ever group class, I dipped my toe into the world of kickboxing. 

The group of 11 I was participating with had a healthy mix of both newcomers and those who had previously taken the class. But even with all the new faces, the studio was immediately welcoming with its warm light and minimalist decor. As a result, everyone jumped right in and immediately engaged with the class.

The routine was a unique blend of exercises that tackled the basics of kickboxing along with related movements to increase your heart rate. The class constantly transitions between throwing kicks, jabs and uppercuts, to jumping jacks, butt kicks and knee pulls.

I felt that I was constantly being challenged by the quick movements to keep up and work my different muscle groups. However, these activities were repeated plenty of times, which created a sense of comfort and muscle memory for some of the activities I was less familiar with.  

Muscle memory was extremely valuable, as it was an intense 45-minute cardio session. The fast-paced music and rapid movements gave me a heightened sense of adrenaline and propelled me to give it my all. Luckily, this class, along with many others, offers variations in the workouts, allowing individuals to control their own intensity to create the perfect workout for their body.

But what really makes these classes so engaging is the instructors. The people I spoke with said they immediately felt included in a safe and encouraging environment due to the efforts of the instructor.

These individuals aren’t teaching for a big paycheck or an increased status; they simply do it because they love fitness and want to spread that love throughout the campus.

One of the most notable things about the class was the fact that besides myself, the rest of the participants were women. When speaking with the instructor, she explained this is a common theme across most of the group classes. Plus, when there are men who do take on a class, they usually leave after one session. 

My belief is these classes are by no means gender specific, so I would recommend the experience to everyone on campus since it’s a unique way to meet people and try something new. There are plenty of different sessions, times and classes to fit whomever may be interested. 

If you find yourself bored and looking for something to do, want to get some exercise or even go make new friends, sign up for a group class at the CSU Recreation Center.

Reach Dylan Heinrich at or on Twitter @dylanrheinrich.