LFTE: Introducing ‘Because I Got High’
Collegian | Trin Bonner
September 8, 2022
Editor’s Note: All letters from the editor reflect the views of the author only and do not represent a stance taken by The Collegian.
Dear Readers,
We here at the cannabis desk are introducing a new column: “Because I Got High.” In line with our goal to make the cannabis section of The Rocky Mountain Collegian a community-driven effort, we created a place to (anonymously) share the funny, embarrassing or otherwise charming stories people have during their elevated experiences. We want your contributions, whether they be amusing adventures or just entertaining things.
There are some important guidelines for submission. First and foremost, The Collegian will not tolerate or publish any sort of hate speech or stories involving violent criminal activity. This should be self-explanatory.
Second, please keep submissions short: less than 200 words. If you don’t, we might not be able to fit your submission in the section.
Third, please keep profanity to a minimum. We are a student newspaper reporting on funny cannabis stories, but we like to maintain some air of professionalism.
Fourth, you have no need to send identifying information, but please do attest in your submission that you attend CSU or are part of the Fort Collins community. This is a safe space to anonymously share stories, but we want to keep the stories local.
Fifth, your submission will be subject to review and revision. The story will remain the same, but we may change a few words to meet grammar and clarity requirements.
If this sounds like something you’d like to contribute to, you can submit your story in one of two ways. The link for the Google Form is here, or you can email us at cannabis@collegian.com.
Thank you all, and I look forward to reading your submissions!
Paul Brull
Cannabis director
Reach Paul Brull at cannabis@collegian.com or on Twitter @csucollegian.