Paumen: Goodbyes suck; working for The Collegian doesn’t

Taylor Paumen, Content Managing Editor

Editor’s Note: Traditionally, graduating seniors working at The Collegian are given the chance to write a farewell note at the end of their tenure at CSU.

I’ve been rewriting the start of this summary of the last four years with everything but ease. While reminiscing about fond memories is a joyful pastime, knowing a chapter in my life is about to end has been very bittersweet. 

But as I look back at all I’ve learned and got to experience and the people I’ve somehow been so blessed to meet, I smile knowing I’ll always cherish being a part of The Collegian.

As I read my fellow colleagues’ farewells, it seems most of us didn’t pick journalism as our first option but more so stumbled upon the opportunity, not knowing it’d change our lives forever. However, going to Colorado State University was part of my plan all those years ago. 

Growing up in Grand Junction, Colorado, I was quick to realize I didn’t fit in with the general population there, so when I toured CSU and walked around Old Town for the first time, I knew immediately that a Ram was who I wanted to be. 

I started my college journey as a health and exercise science major knowing my passion for sports could be fulfilled through this for the rest of my life, but I was wrong. The real fulfillment happened when I switched majors to journalism and sport management and joined The Collegian

Although it was the middle of the pandemic and every meeting was virtual, I found community in the sports desk, even after being the youngest and only female reporter at the time. But their confidence in me pushed me to become the reporter I am today. 

Moments like attending March Madness in 2022, covering a fired head football coach, writing about smoking cannabis and getting to interview legends like Tom Hilbert and David Roddy will be memories I will never forget. 

Whether it was through being the sports director, cannabis director or content managing editor, the skills The Collegian has given me will be more valuable than anything I learned in class. But even more importantly, I’m grateful for the people that made each position one worth doing. 

But as I enter the final week of late nights in the newsroom, weekly meetings, nopes and dopes, kicker brainstorm sessions and Slack messages, I’ll remember the people that made all those things memorable. 

Thank you to all of you who helped not only better my journalism career but more so better me as a person. So I’ll leave you with how we end every strain review based on our overall experience but with the most honest rating I’ve given: Rating: 10/10.

Taylor Paumen can no longer be reached at but can be on Twitter @TayTayPau.