This week in ASCSU: Student transportation proposal, CSUPD town hall
November 10, 2022
The Associated Students of Colorado State University convened Nov. 9 for the 13th session of the 52nd senate.
Following the swearing-in of two new senators, the senate heard from Budgetary Affairs Committee Chair Elizabeth Rencher and senators Rithik Correa and Vishal Shetty, who presented to the senate on the Board for Student Organization Funding’s funding process in an attempt to clarify the process and smoothen the procedure for future funding requests.
Executive reports followed, with Chief of Staff Haydyn Deason, Vice President Elijah Sandoval, Director of Housing Security Noah Burge, Director of Governmental Affairs Evan Welch, Director of Graduate Affairs Derek Newburger, Director of Traditions Reed Vega, Chief of State Jasen Wahler, and Director of Health and Wellness Alex Silverhart reporting on their respective causes.
Matters such as ongoing Native American Heritage Month efforts, recent rumors concerning the quality of officials within the executive branch, open cabinet positions, the upcoming student visit to the Colorado State Capitol in February, ongoing support for graduate students, and upcoming tailgate events were discussed.
“Everybody is fulfilling all of their job descriptions,” Deason said. “I’m very proud of a lot of the work (the executive branch) is doing.”
Deputy Chief Justice Kelley Dungan then presented to the legislative body on matters such as the success of the recent “coffee with the court” event and the judicial branch’s ongoing involvement with student organizations on campus.
Lex 5202, “Vote of Confidence Clarification” was then discussed.
The lex works to make clarifying edits to the process of the vote of confidence for the election of speaker of the senate to prevent confusion and ensure the student body is presented with qualified candidates approved by senate.
The lex incurred the disapproval of Senator Correa and Senator Kyle Hill, who believe the legislation unduly restricts student voters from electing the candidate of their choice.
“I do not believe that we, as a senate, should dictate an election in which the student body should have a voice,” Hill said. “We should not dictate a procedure for an electorate of 32,000 students with 45 (senate) members.”
In support of the lex was Senator Rory Low, who hopes it will ensure the equitable discussion of candidates.
“This is an equitable piece of legislation that is working to make the constitution reflect more of our voices,” Low said.
Lex 5202 ultimately passed by way of a 25-12 vote, with three abstentions.
Lex 5203, “Rectifying a Failing of ASCSU Accessibility” was then considered.
The lex aims to allow for increased accessibility efforts during senate sessions by mandating the distribution of legislative documents before the meeting, the broadcast of meetings in digital format and the requirement for speakers to use microphones while addressing senate.
Through a 35-0 vote, the lex passed.
Lex 5204, “Institution of Guidance for Special Sessions” was also discussed.
The lex aims to clarify the requirements for the calling of an emergency senate session and mandates that the CSU campus be notified at least 72 hours in advance.
The lex passed by way of a 32-0 vote.
Also considered was Bill 5207, “Groome Transportation Act.”
The bill requests $7,000 from the Senate Discretionary Fund to facilitate free transportation for CSU students to and from Denver International Airport over winter break.
The legislation will be sent to the Budgetary Affairs Committee.
Bill 5208, “Biannual Town Hall with CSUPD” was then considered.
The bill seeks the allocation of $1,000 from the Senate General Fund to allow for two open town hall events with members from the Colorado State University Police Department per school year.
Senator Clyde Nguyen believed these events will help address issues and concerns with CSUPD across campus.
“This will help bridge the gap between CSU students and CSUPD and help students feel more comfortable,” Nguyen said.
The bill will be sent to the University and Budgetary Affairs committees.
Bill 5209, “Changing Diversity and Inclusion Caucus to Diversity Equity and Inclusion Affairs Committee” was also considered.
The bill aims to create a Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee for the purpose of ensuring proposed legislation upholds the senate’s commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
The bill will be sent to the Internal and Budgetary Affairs committees.
ASCSU Senate will resume Nov. 16.
Reach Sam Hutton at or on Twitter @Sam_Hut14.