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The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

The Student News Site of Colorado State University

The Rocky Mountain Collegian

This week in ASCSU: Medical emergency training, bee yard renovation

Collegian | Cat Blouch

Speaker of the Senate Nicholas DeSalvo introduces himself during the first senate meeting of the semester for the Associated Students of Colorado State University. “Last year the environment was incredibly dysfunctional,” said DeSalvo. “That’s when I decided to run. I decided to kind of shift the culture within the senate.”

Sam Hutton, Staff Reporter

The Associated Students of Colorado State University convened Nov. 2 for the 12th session of the 52nd senate.

After four new senators were sworn into office, the legislative body heard a presentation from Senator Rory Low, who educated the senate on disabilities, ableism and accessibility. Low encouraged senators to continue making efforts to better serve the disabled community.

Director of Marketing Grace Crangle, Deputy Director of Law and Policy Jorge Garcia, Chief of Staff Haydyn Deason, President Rob Long, Director of Diversity and Inclusion Charlie Williamson, Director of Traditions and Programs Reed Vega and Chief of State Jasen Wahler then presented to the senate.

Matters discussed included the recent Halloween blood drive, the ongoing CSU presidential search, the upcoming World AIDS Day event Dec. 1, Native American Heritage Month, upcoming tailgate efforts and Rocky Mountain Student Media Corporation funding.

Chief Justice Marcus Zacarias and Deputy Chief Justice Kelley Dungan also updated the senate on upcoming meetings with the CSU Student Resolution Center and the success of the “coffee with the court” event.

“The whole point of the (“Improving the ASCSU Senate”) resolution, at least in my mind, is to make this space better for everyone, whether that’s to make someone feel safe speaking up or even just to sit down and be in this space.” -Asma Bushara, senator for the Black/African American Cultural Center

The election for the Internal Affairs Committee chair was then held.

Associate Senator Nora Aslan and Senator Rithik Correa were nominated for the position.

The Internal Affairs Committee chair is responsible for aiding in the discussion of legislation outside of the senate’s weekly meetings, provide assistance with moving a piece of legislation onto the floor and subsequently reviewing and approving such legislation.

After a period of debate during which the qualifications of the candidates were considered, Aslan was elected committee chair by way of a majority vote.

“It is my place as chair to facilitate discussion, moderate discussion and keep ideas flowing freely through the space,” Aslan said. “(I will) ensure every voice within this space has a fair and equitable chance to be heard.”

The oath of office was administered by Speaker of the Senate Nick DeSalvo.

Resolution 5204, “Improving the ASCSU Senate” was then considered.

The bill works to improve the culture of the senate in the wake of the Sept. 28 session by outlining steps to allow for more equitable discussion in meetings and strengthened relationships within the senate.

“The whole point of the resolution, at least in my mind, is to make this space better for everyone, whether that’s to make someone feel safe speaking up or even just to sit down and be in this space,” Senator Asma Bushara said.

The resolution will be sent to the Internal Affairs Committee.

Bill 5205, “Providing Funding for First Aid and CPR/AED Training” was also discussed.

The bill requests $8,000 from the Senate Discretionary Fund to partner with the American Red Cross in providing 50 CSU students with the opportunity to attend first aid and CPR/AED training.

“Participants in this training will emerge with a greater understanding of how they can benefit their communities,” Senator Jessica Laffey said.

The bill will be sent to the Budgetary and University Affairs committees.

Also considered was Bill 5206, “Bee Bill.”

This bill aims to allocate $7,000 from the Senate Discretionary Fund for the CSU Apiculture Club to facilitate extensive renovations to the CSU Horticulture Center planting area and bee yard. The renovations are intended to increase accessibility and eco-friendliness in the area.

“This is making the campus a better place in the long run,” Apiculture Club President Joe Urynowicz said. “This is not for me; this is for everyone coming after me.”

The bill will be sent to the Budgetary and University Affairs committees.

To conclude the session, Lex 5205, “Amending a Gap in the Constitution” was briefly discussed.

The lex will be sent to the University Affairs Committee.

ASCSU senate will reconvene Nov. 9.

Reach Sam Hutton at or on Twitter @Sam_Hut14.

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Photo of Sam Hutton
Sam Hutton, News Editor

Entering his third year at The Collegian, Sam Hutton is currently a news editor, a role he couldn't be more proud to step into. Hutton has over two years...