Christian preachers are back on campus with even more to say
Students have strong opinions on the message and attitude of the speakers.
Collegian | Michael Marquardt
A student who did not wish to be identified reads “The Satanic Bible” in front of a preacher on the Lory Student Center Plaza Aug. 30. “What I’m doing is trying to show this guy what it looks like to have something shoved in his face,” they said. “I don’t genuinely worship Baphomet, I’m just showing this guy nobody likes people coming up to you and going, ‘Read my book, buy my shit, come to my church.'”
September 13, 2022
On Monday, Christian preachers gathered outside the Andrew G. Clark Building and the Lory Student Center waving flags and handing out flyers.
The speakers are not a part of a church or an organization. They are siblings who have made it to all 50 states to spread their message. The six brothers and sisters travel around the country stopping to preach at various college campuses.
Sarah Woroniecki, one of the sisters, said the family will pick up random jobs such as waitressing or welding in order to earn wages for their next venture.
Their message is very pro-God and anti-tradition and anti-church. Woroniecki said she believes God has a purpose for your life that has nothing to do with going to church for an hour every Sunday or conforming to modern American Christianity.
“I believe that what they’re stating is incorrect, and I also believe that the way they are going about it is not the most effective.” -Matthew Schimmel, Students for Life vice president
“We’re trying to reach kids at this age where you’re making a lot of decisions that are going to set up the next stages of your life and try to help you realize God is not a Democrat or a Republican, he is a father,” Woroniecki said.
Three of the preachers were wielding flags or signs and would speak at higher volumes, while others were walking around the square giving out pamphlets saying “you are loved” and “don’t give up” to passing students.
This attracted a small crowd: some angry, some curious.
One student, Matthew Schimmel, the vice president of Students for Life at Colorado State University, shared a few thoughts on the matter.
“I believe that what they’re stating is incorrect, and I also believe that the way they are going about it is not the most effective,” Schimmel said.
Schimmel and some of his friends also said Monday’s preachers were less aggressive than the preachers from a few weeks ago, who generated an angry crowd of students by yelling and shutting out others’ opinions.
Even with this calmer approach, many passers-by were still aggravated by their words.
Students agreed this kind of behavior performed by the preachers was unpleasant and not the best approach to share their beliefs.
Reach Alex Hasenkamp at or on Twitter @csucollegian.