ASCSU hears new legislation, elections manager resigns
March 3, 2022
The Associated Students of Colorado State University met March 2 for their 20th session and heard two pieces of legislation. Erin Freeman, chief justice of the judicial branch of ASCSU, also announced that Emery Jenkins resigned from the job as elections manager.
Freeman said that after many meetings, it was decided there will be a joint order from all three branches of ASCSU to fill the position with Gemma Buhaenko, deputy chief justice of ASCSU. Buhaenko will step down from her position as deputy chief justice in order to fill in as interim elections manager.
Freeman also explained the only thing that will change is who is running ASCSU’s upcoming elections. The elections will proceed as planned and campaigns will not be shortened.
Later, ASCSU moved on to legislation, beginning with Bill 5113, “Green and Gold Book Reboot.” The bill seeks funds for the recreation of ASCSU’s Green and Gold introductory book, created by former Speaker of the Senate Isabel Brown in the 2017-18 school year. According to the bill, the book contained basic information about ASCSU, including how senate sessions run, contact information, ASCSU office guidelines and access to other documents.
“I have started the process of trying to recreate that and update it and make it functional for this ASCSU and make it as universal as I can,” said Ariadne Athey, senator for the Student Disability Center and chair of the Internal Affairs Committee. “Because the old one has the constitution as it was, the bylaws as they were, (and) the job descriptions as they were. All those are super out of date now.”
The bill seeks $5,000 from the Senate general Discretionary Fund for the creation and printing of the new 2022 Green and Gold book for the end of the 51st Senate and beginning of the 52nd Senate and QR code stickers for online versions of the book. The bill also seeks to update the job descriptions of the recruitment and retention officer and chief of staff to include updating and printing the Green and Gold book before each ASCSU fall retreat. The bill states that any money that was not spent after Feb. 1, 2023, will be returned to the ASCSU Discretionary Fund.
The bill was sent to the Internal Affairs Committee.
ASCSU heard Bill 5110, “Funding for the Expansion of the All-Gender Restroom Pilot Program” next. This bill seeks $10,000 “in funding for the continuation and addition of 50 more permanent QR code wayfinding signage for all-gender restrooms on campus,” according to the bill’s text.
Parliamentarian Kevin Clark reported on the edits made to the bill by the Budgetary Affairs Committee and University Affairs Committee. The edits included changing a clause to add “that any remaining money in the all-gender restroom budget by May 31, 2023, be returned to the ASCSU fund balance.”
Also, the Budgetary Affairs Committee changed the funding from $6,000 to $8,000 for 30 QR codes and the University Affairs Committee changed the funding to $10,000 for 50 QR codes. ASCSU voted to allocate $10,000 for 50 QR codes.
The bill passed.
Lex 5101, “Remedying a Mistype,” and Lex 5102, “Constitutional Amendment in the absence of a Senate Officer,” were tabled for the night.
Reach Piper Russell at or on Twitter @PiperRussell10.