ASCSU elects new parliamentarian, amends Elections Code

Collegian | Connor McHugh

Kevin Clark begins his role as the newly elected Parliamentarian of the Associated Students of Colorado State University Feb. 23, 2022. Clark was unanimously voted back into the role, as he served as Parliamentarian for the 50th senate during the 2020-2021 academic year.

CTV News: Ren Wadsworth

Piper Russell, News Reporter

The Associated Students of Colorado State University met Feb. 23 for their 19th session. ASCSU swore in two new senators and a new associate senator, saw another presentation from Attica Voting, elected a new parliamentarian and passed legislation.

Elections Manager Emery Jenkins also announced that rank choice voting will not be used for ASCSU’s 2022 elections.

Ndioba Thiam was sworn in as a senator for the Black/African American Cultural Center, and Jason Wheiler, as written on the ASCSU agenda, was sworn in as a senator for the College of Health and Human Sciences. Emily Doorack was also sworn in as an associate senator for the Warner College of Natural Resources.

Jenkins said rank choice voting will not be used in ASCSU’s 2022 elections because of unforeseen circumstances but added that if ASCSU continues their partnership with Attica Voting, they should be able to use rank choice voting for ASCSU’s 2023 elections.

Attica Voting returned, after a presentation at ASCSU’s last senate session, to give a demonstration of the voting system they’ve built.

ASCSU also held elections for parliamentarian, as Jackson Hunter is now serving as speaker of the senate. Kevin Clark, the only candidate, was elected as ASCSU’s new parliamentarian. Clark is a junior studying political science and minoring in leadership studies. Clark has worked as an ASCSU front desk staff member and was the parliamentarian for the 50th Senate.

“I’ve always been passionate about amplifying student representation, especially in regards to underrepresented identities on campus,” Clark said. “Coming in as a first generation Vietnamese American student, I found that representation and inclusion often interlinks with accessibility, and oftentimes those little details really kind of inhibit access for students on campus, and the parliamentarian role really provides a lot of opportunities to fix those little details.”

Later, ASCSU heard three pieces of legislation.

ASCSU started with Bill 5107, “Elections Code Amendment Act,” which changes the ASCSU Elections Code for the 2022 general election. Ariadne Athey, chair of the Internal Affairs Committee, went over the changes the Internal Affairs Committee made. These changes include adding that all campaign materials should adhere to ASCSU’s accessibility standards and that each member of ASCSU will vote for one candidate for president, vice president and speaker.

The bill passed.

ASCSU also heard Bill 5111, “Extending the Sunset Clause for Bill 5022 (the Good Neighbor Program Bill).” This bill will extend the amount of years that funds allocated by Bill 5022 for the Good Neighbor Program can be spent.

Budgetary Affairs Committee Chair Lizzy Osterhoudt presented the changes the Budgetary Affairs Committee made to the bill. According to Osterhoudt, the Budgetary Affairs Committee added a clause to the bill saying the senate agreed to extend the allocation of the funds from Bill 5022 rather than amending the original bill.

The bill passed.

Lex 5101, “Remedying a Mistype,” which seeks to fix a mistype by the 50th senate, was tabled for the night.

Athey also motioned to add Bill 5106, “Fixing Formatting Errors,” which was passed in ASCSU’s last session, to the agenda and expedite it. Athey said that since the bill was a change to the Constitution, it required three reads. The bill only had two readings as of ASCSU’s last meeting, so the senate voted to add it to the agenda and expedite it.

Reach Piper Russell at or on Twitter @PiperRussell10.