ASCSU begins speaker pro tempore election, hears 2 candidates
Collegian | Cat Blouch
Members of the senate for the Associated Students of Colorado State University hold the first senate meeting of the fall semester Sept. 1. (Cat Blouch | The Collegian)
January 27, 2022
The Associated Students of Colorado State University met for their first session of the spring semester Jan. 26. ASCSU began holding elections for speaker pro tempore and heard presentations from two candidates.
Candidates for speaker pro tempore include Brandon Baum, senator for the College of Business, Elijah Sandoval, senator for the First Generation Student Collective Board, Noah Burge, senator for the College of Business, and Graham Avers.
As well as being a senator, Baum is on the Board for Student Organization Funding and the Budgetary Affairs Committee. Baum spoke about his plans if elected, which included assisting ASCSU members in the legislative process, revamping ASCSU social media, career outreach and updating senate documents.
I can communicate effectively, I can get things done efficiently and most importantly, I think, especially for me, is I can learn quickly- Graham Avers, senator for the College of Business
“I do want to expand on the speaker pro tempore position to have more outreach,” Baum said. “(I want) to give every senator here the necessary communications and connections they need to get their legislation done. I want to be as neutral as possible.”
When asked how he would uphold the University and ASCSU initiatives of diversity, equity and inclusion, Baum spoke about his diverse family with numerous identities and the importance of education equity.
“I do believe in education of myself and especially of people of different communities,” Baum said. “I personally love to travel; I always want to be involved with culture and everything else in between.”
Avers, a sophomore engineering student at CSU, also presented. Avers is part of the Sigma Nu Fraternity and is the recorder for the fraternity, according to his presentation. As recorder, Avers maintains a written record of all proceedings in the chapter and is responsible for logistical communication, as well as other duties, including performing polls and attendance.
Avers was also the vice president of membership development for the Interfraternity Council, which he said required him to collaborate with other executive positions within CSU and be a representative for all fraternal life on campus.
“I can communicate effectively, I can get things done efficiently and most importantly, I think, especially for me, is I can learn quickly,” Avers said.
Avers said he was interested in speaker pro tempore as a way to get involved on campus and that his previous experience would benefit the senate. Avers also spoke about initiatives for diversity, equity and inclusion.
“Love, honor and truth — those are our core beliefs,” Avers said. “It’s really important to us, and I believe in them too because if you don’t have those, you cannot have a successful team.”
Shortly after Avers’ presentation, Senator Rithik Correa made a motion to suspend Senator Lizzy Osterhoudt’s speaking rights due to concern of ad hominem comments. After a short debate, Correa rescinded the motion, and ASCSU adjourned before hearing the other two candidates.
Reach Piper Russell at or on Twitter @PiperRussell10.