Because I Got High: Braces research
Stories from an Elevated Perspective
Collegian | Falyn Sebastian
November 10, 2022
Editor’s Note: “Because I Got High” content consists of community story submissions and does not represent the views of The Collegian or its editorial board. The Collegian does not promote underage or excessive substance use or impairment for the purpose of creating a submission.
Braces research
I once got really high and wrote an entire research paper about how scary the concept of braces is because it’s so weird that we straighten our outer bones for aesthetics. Sure, it helps with eating and our health, but then why wouldn’t they just grow normally in the first place? It’s scary because braces aren’t even a recent thing. I couldn’t help myself and fell down the research hole. After a while, I realized that being high was probably supposed to be for fun, so I watched “Adventure Time” instead.
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