Horoscopes May 22-28


Collegian | Brooke Beresford

Abby Flores, Staff Reporter

Horoscopes can be applied to your sun, moon and rising signs.

Dear stars,


Great news! Mercury went direct on May 14, finally bringing a little less chaos into our lives. As we approach the end of the school year though, I would love to congratulate all seniors who are graduating this semester. Every one of you is a shining star! The cosmos are bound to align and dance with you in celebration. If you need guidance on your new chapter, your horoscope still awaits you weekly.

Best wishes,

A Sagittarius Moon.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Aries (March 21 – April 19):

You are going through a huge change in lifestyle in the next coming weeks, Aries. Whether it is moving somewhere new or starting a fitness journey, reading this is confirmation that you will find more abundance in this period of time. Your self-discovery will continue.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Taurus (April 20 – May 20):

As a Taurus, you may be seen as stubborn sometimes. This trait isn’t negative, though, because you simply have a vision you are determined to work toward. If you find yourself facing a challenge that requires patience, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Keep trusting yourself. You got this!

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Gemini (May 21 – June 20):

Your thoughts tend to be a never-ending storm, Gemini. You are constantly thinking about life and how to push yourself forward. This happens when there is not much work left, but your challenge this week is to embrace the mundane. Try going outside for a little and enjoy the beauty that  surrounds us. You may just find the answer you were searching for. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Cancer (June 21 – July 22):

You have a light-hearted energy to you that is pure and cozy. People find themselves drawn to you because of the way you are ruled by the moon. We tend to look at the phases for guidance when we are lost, but you seem to already provide guidance for life’s ups and downs. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22):

Gold is rare, and it has always been seen as a precious kind of ore. In ancient Egypt, it was seen as a symbol of divinity. As a Leo, gold is a color you should wear more often because it complements your confidence. If you don’t have any gold, just remember you are precious and deserving of the good things coming your way this week.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 23):

Some leaders will boast about their qualities too much. You don’t like to do that, though, Virgo. When you put your heart into something, you always strive to help people make a difference in their lives. Your attention to detail and behind-the-scenes work makes you naturally stand out in the spotlight.


(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22):

As a Libra, you possess a unique, creative mind. People often look toward you for inspiration on ideas. While you may be eager to provide guidance, be mindful when it comes to boundaries. You don’t want others to take credit for your own thoughts. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21):

Sometimes life presents us with challenges to promote growth. If you are experiencing financial difficulties or becoming distant, let it happen. It may sound bizarre, but you are the sign destined for transformation. Trust that things will improve, and know that you will gain a better sense of clarity within yourself. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21):

Introspective and wise, you are constantly seeking knowledge beyond school and textbooks. While everyone has an inner compass, some may only follow a single path. You, on the other hand, embrace the uncharted. Don’t let anyone stop you from exploring new horizons because you are here to make a mark in the world.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19):

There is a lot of work to be done this week, but don’t forget to take care of yourself in the process. Take breaks when you need to, and space out your day. Sometimes, we just need to forget about the world and its structures. You would benefit from taking time to enjoy the sun whenever you can.

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb 18):

There are many things we can choose in this lifetime, from what to eat to whom we become friends with. As an Aquarius, your independent nature helps you make unconventional choices. Some may not understand, but you should always stay true to yourself regardless. 

(Illustration by Amy Noble, Rachel Macias, Katrina Clasen | The Collegian)

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20):

Like a pearl in an oyster shell, you take time to open up. On the one hand, it is great you are protective of your energy, but on the other, some may find you too quiet. You don’t have to think of this as a bad quality. Instead, listen to your heart because you will naturally become extroverted when you want to.

Reach Abby Flores at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @CSUCollegian.