7 ways to cure your cabin fever in quarantine
If you find yourself stuck in quarantine and tired of your standard distractions, here are a few suggestions to break your cabin fever.
February 3, 2022
As COVID-19 continues to spread across Fort Collins, the boredom that permeates into every aspect of isolation is alive and thriving.
If you find yourself stuck in quarantine and tired of your standard distractions, here are a few suggestions to break your cabin fever.
1. Satisfy your inner nerd
Some part of you has probably wanted to immerse yourself in that book series, video game or TV show on your mind. Perhaps you’ve never done it because papers have to be written, laundry needs to get done and your friends wanted to go to that new bar that night, so you just binge-watched “The Great British Baking Show” the next day while nursing your hangover.
Quarantine is single-handedly the greatest excuse you will ever have to geek out in the privacy of your own room. Beat that new game, read that new series and watch that show you always wanted to start — you know middle school you could’ve done it in five days, so college you has to beat that record.
2. Revisit your childhood
There’s no better time for nostalgia than when you’re sick. From tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches to old Walt Disney Co. movies and snuggling up in your favorite PJs, if you have to feel wretched, you may as well tap into your inner child. Take this opportunity to reinvest yourself in old cartoons and dinosaur nuggets. Feed your inner child.
3. Get active
Just because you’re stuck inside doesn’t mean you have to just sit around. The lethargic feeling of sitting around all day is maddening, especially for those without COVID-19 symptoms. While the mountains or gym may no longer be accessible in isolation, yoga videos and home workouts are only a few searches away. Developing a morning fitness routine may be your ticket to sanity while you wait out quarantine.
4. Get creative
An easy way to ward off cabin fever is to get in touch with your creative side. From learning to doodle cartoons on YouTube to getting creative with clay or watercolors, there are several ways to feel artsy. While being alone can create stress, art is a fantastic way to manage it. Keep a diary, write a poem or draw how weird your face looks after staring at it in the mirror for far too long. If you must be shut in, be wacky and creative.
5. Call your friends
The absolute worst part of isolation is feeling alone. It is easy to assume you have to deal with having COVID-19 entirely on your own, but there are ways to connect. From BuzzFeed quiz parties to Netflix watch parties and FaceTime, there are more ways to connect from afar now than ever. Using these outlets to feel a sense of connection is essential to making it through isolation.
6. Participate in self-care
While you may not be able to go get your nails done, home spa days can be incredibly relaxing. They are a treat you might rarely get. Take advantage of your right to be lazy. Get your roommates or a neighbor to smuggle you a bath bomb and some candles, then pull out your favorite relaxed playlist and decompress. You have nowhere to be and no one to see, so make the most of it.
7. Catch up on the menial tasks
If the idea of doing nothing spikes your anxiety, then consider this option. Once you are free, you’ll want to really be free, so use this time to get ahead on homework, scholarship applications or your taxes, if you’re feeling grown-up and ambitious. This doesn’t have to be lost time. Quarantine can be the time that you take to put yourself in the best position to succeed.
Whether it’s productive for life or food for the soul, your isolation doesn’t have to be miserable. Allow yourself to enjoy it because stressing over it is pointless. As long as you keep your health and the health of others in mind, use this opportunity to destress and focus on what matters.
Reach Ivy Secrest at entertainment@collegian.com or on Twitter @IvySecrest.
Leah • Feb 3, 2022 at 1:38 pm
Great article Ivy thank you . I love the inner child and creativity ideas. It’s important to uplift ourselves however we can.