Kyle Hill explains resignation, Jackson Hunter to fill speaker role


Collegian | Ryan Schmidt

Former Speaker of the Senate Kyle Hill addresses the Associated Students of Colorado State University senate Sept. 8, 2021. The senate heard updates from President Christian Dykson, swore in new senators and debated voting on members for a legislative advisory board.

CTV News: Westyn Hubbard

Noah Pasley, News Editor

The Associated Students of Colorado State University appointed a new speaker of the senate after Kyle Hill resigned as speaker Feb. 14. The resignation followed allegations of misused funds as well as violations of the ASCSU bylaws and Colorado State University’s principles of community, which were discussed at the senate meeting Feb. 9.

Hill did not speak on the allegations but said it was best that he step down as speaker due to time conflicts with his major as a biomedical sciences student. Hill said the challenges faced by applying for medical school and testing for a nursing assistant certification have caused him to fail at some of his obligations.


“The resignation is occurring for such reasons as academic underperformance,” Hill said. “I’ve found myself not being able to fulfill my duties as speaker and school work due to the time commitment. … I do not feel it is fair to the students or the senate body for me to continue.”

Hill did note that he failed to recognize sooner that he was underperforming in his role and said he missed opportunities to improve, which had been a topic at a prior senate meeting brought up by University Affairs Committee Chair Evan Welch.

Associated Students of Colorado State University speaker of the senate Kyle Hill interviews with CTV 11 after the announcement of election results at The Plaza Apr. 1. (Tri Duong | The Collegian)

“The space that we’re facilitating is not functional, and … if you’ve sat in on a senate session in the past few weeks, it’s very tense in here.” – Jackson Hunter, speaker of the senate

“That was something I should’ve been able to improve on and see in the past that I’ve not fulfilled those (duties) because of the constant stress and pressure I’ve been under,” Hill said. “That hasn’t been very healthy to me or to the senate, and it has just become unproductive.”

Former parliamentarian Jackson Hunter will fill the role of speaker for the rest of Hill’s term, through May 2022, with Senator Brandon Baum as speaker pro tempore. Hunter said the problems the senate encountered with Hill were just one instance of a greater issue within the ASCSU senate.

“Honestly, we’ve had a lot of issues in this space even before Kyle Hill,” Hunter said. “We just found ourselves in a position where some people do their job and some people don’t. It’s admirable that he took the step to resign. … We are hoping for a better few steps in the future.”

Hill said he’s been “quite proud” of Hunter’s work as parliamentarian and that he looks forward to the rest of the term. Hunter said that, as parliamentarian, he learned a lot about facilitating a space for discussion that will help him maintain a healthier culture in the senate.

“I think that was one of our issues in the fall … and the last few weeks,” Hunter said. “Just, the space that we’re facilitating is not functional, and … if you’ve sat in on a senate session in the past few weeks, it’s very tense in here.”

Hunter said he feels confident in his ability to create a space where everyone feels safe and comfortable and his ability to facilitate the space in a way that creates more action and efficiency in the senate chambers.

While Hill will be stepping away from ASCSU for the time being, he said that he may have interest in returning as a senator in the future, when time permits. He added that he will continue his work with the bike security bill, co-authored by Director of Housing Security Benton Roesler and that the bill should be presented in about a month.


“I owe the student body a debt of gratitude,” Hill said. “Although it didn’t work in the end, I’m still going to try and fight for you and fight for the student body and the University.”

Reach Noah Pasley at or on Twitter @pasleynoah.