This semester members of our Colorado State University community have experienced various
hate and bias-motivated incidents on campus. As every student at CSU is a member of the
Associated Students of Colorado State University, it is important that we address these actions
and behaviors on behalf of all students.
ASCSU stands for the CSU Principles of Community at all times. These principles -inclusion,
integrity, respect, service and social justice -are at the root of what it means to be a CSU Ram.
These principles are what we must live by to be the best we can be. If we are not living by
them, we are not doing our job as Rams.
As the social justice principle states, “we have a right to be treated and the responsibility to
treat others with fairness and equity, the duty to challenge prejudice, and to uphold the laws,
policies and procedures that promote justice in all respects.”
The Principles of Community also highlight a commitment to the freedom of expression. While
the freedom of expression is a valued and protected right under the Constitution, this is about
ensuring students feel safe in their halls, in their classes, walking on campus etc. ASCSU
denounces those who seek to target a fellow Ram in order to intimidate, incite violence or
instill fear.
Some people may see these incidents as “small jokes.” This is a misguided categorization of
these instances and a sad excuse for unacceptable behavior. No incident that targets a CSU
student is small nor funny in any way, and saying so belittles that student’s feelings and
Every instance of hate and bias-motivated action needs to be taken seriously, and we as a
community need to recognize the impact of these actions. When students do not feel safe on
campus, we are not doing our job to foster a community that respects and supports each other.
There is no room for racism and the marginalization of people on this campus, and we as
students at CSU should have no tolerance for these actions.
It is important that as a community we do more than simply address the issues. We must also
discuss what actions we can take to move forward and be better.
So, how is CSU going to work as a community to be better?
We encourage you to educate yourself. Understand those around you. Take time to engage in
conversations with people from different backgrounds than your own.
Most importantly, regardless of your race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual identity, personal
background etc., recognize that these inexcusable incidents affect our ability to be one
community, one school, one Ram Family. Ultimately, it does not matter if these incidents do
not personally affect you. This is where you live. This is where you go to school. We are one
community who should stand together in unity. Remember: Rams take care of Rams.
ASCSU Branch Leadership:
Josué “Josh” Silva- President
Michael Wells- Vice President
Isabel Brown- Speaker of the Senate
Brittany Anderson- Chief Justice