Let Your Light Shine benefit concert provides relief

March 23, 2022


Collegian | Sophia Stern

Mark Gabert, CW, and Jodie Woodward play their guitars together, Feb 20 2022. Twenty Hands High was one of five bands to play at the concert.

On Feb. 20, singer Hazel Miller and nonprofit Let Your Light Shine hosted a benefit concert at Arvada Elks Lodge in support of the Marshall Fire Victims. The concert featured Hazel Miller & the Collective, Twenty Hands High, Dive Bar Diva and Soda Blue. The benefit also included food trucks and a silent auction with donations from many sponsors, including art, entertainment and experience packages. With the help of Let Your Light Shine, 100% of the proceeds went to victims of the fire. At the end of the night, with donations, auction proceeds, sponsorships and ticket sales, the event raised roughly $24,000 that will go directly to those whose lives were uprooted by the Marshall Fire.

The band Twenty Hands High performs, while guests dance along to the music.
The band Twenty Hands High performs while guests dance along to the music Feb. 20, 2022. All proceeds from the concert went to those affected by the Marshall Fire to help underinsured people. (Collegian | Sophia Stern)
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